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Updated: Apr 14, 2021

What does it mean to be me?

I have often asked myself this question many times. To be me is to look in the mirror and tell myself that I simply am worth it. I am worth the time and energy of all the tea in China. See guys, I practice something called self love. I know it may sound really narcissistic and preachy and maybe it is, I don't know and I refuse to apologize for treating my soul like the goddess and the Queen that I truly believe that she is.

Self love requires self acceptance and that starts when you stop comparing yourself to anyone or anything in this world. I believe I was created for greatness. I don't actually know why but I am here on this earth but I do know that I want to contribute to the world in a positive way. It took me 40 years and a few really powerful moments that got me on the true path of self love/

My life began with these few words....


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